Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Systems Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan.
Email: fukuchi (at)
(Last updated: )
Research Interests
My research interests lie in human-AI interaction, with a focus on facilitating effective, natural, and trustworthy collaboration between humans and AI systems.
My research involves the integration of computational models that capture the dynamics of human cognition, enabling AI-driven systems to socially interact with non-expert human users.
Particularly, I create AI systems/agents/interfaces that are capable of
- developing mutual understandings between humans and AIs
- calibrating human trust/reliance
- nudging a user decision with dynamic explanation biasing
- mind-aware communication
Current Positions
- 2024 Apr. - Present Assistant Professor, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan.
- 2022 Oct. - Present Part-time Lecturer, Nihon University, Japan.
Professional Experience
- 2022 Apr. - 2024 Mar. Project Researcher, National Institute of Informatics, Japan.
- 2021 Apr. - 2022 Mar. Project Researcher, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Keio University, Japan.
- 2019 Apr. - 2021 Mar. Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Keio University, Japan.
- 2019 Apr. - 2019 Sep. Teaching Assistant, Tokyo University of Technology, Japan.
- 2017 Apr. - 2019 Mar. Teaching Assistant, Keio University, Japan.
- 2016 Apr. - 2019 Mar. Collaborative Researcher, Dwango artificial intelligence laboratory.
- 2023 Mar. Ph.D. in Engineering, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Keio University, Japan. [thesis (in Japanese)]
- 2019 Apr. - 2022 Mar. Finished Ph.D. program without dissertation, Graduate School of Science and Engineering, Keio University, Japan.
- 2017 Apr. - 2019 Mar. Master of Engineering, Information and Conputer Science, Keio University, Japan.
- 2013 Apr. - 2017 Mar. Bachelor of Engineering, Information and Computer Science, Keio University, Japan.
- 2018 Apr. - Present Young Researcher Association of Japanese Cognitive Science Society.
- 2017 Apr. - Present The Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
- 2024 Aug. Special session organizer (Bridging Trust and Context: Dynamic Interactions in HAI) at the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2024).
- 2024 May. Award Co-Chair, the 38th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence.
- 2023 May - Present Reverse mentor, Liberal Democratic Party of Japan.
- 2023 Aug. Special session organizer (Designing trustworthy human agent interaction in dynamic context) at the 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2023).
- 2022 Dec. Workshop organizer (Cognitive Human-agent Interaction) at the International Conference of Human-agent Interaction 2022.
- 2020 Apr. - 2022 Mar. Vice-chair, Young Researcher Association of Japanese Cognitive Science Society.
- \cite{10343151}{[0,1,4]}
- \cite{corequery}{[2,7]} PDF
- \cite{10024779}{[6,7]}
- \cite{9903483}{[2,3]} PDF
- \cite{9777698}{[0,3]}
- \cite{10.3389/frobt.2022.783863}{[0,3,4,5]}
Conferences (Refereed)
- \cite{10.2312:egve.20241362}
- \cite{10.1145/3687272.3688328}{[0,1,4]}
- \cite{icres2024}{[0,1,4]}
- \cite{icres2024maehigashi}{[0,1,4]}
- \cite{fukuchi2024dynamic}{[0,1,4]} PDF
- \cite{maehigashi2024ro-man}{[0,1,4]} PDF
- \cite{10.1145/3613905.3650802}{[0,1,4]}
- \cite{hai2023maehigashi}{[0,1,4]}
- \cite{iros2023}{[0,1,4]} PDF Video (SIYA-IROS 2023 award. 100,000 JPY)
- \cite{maehigashi2023roman}{[0,1,4]}
- \cite{}{[0,1,4]}
- \cite{maehigashi2023modeling}{[0,1,4]}
- \cite{10.1145/3527188.3561917}{[2,3]} (Acceptance rate: 39%. Best paper award)
- \cite{10.1145/3490099.3511116}{[2,3]} (Acceptance rate: 24.5%)
- \cite{Yoshino_2021}{[7]}
- \cite{Matsumori_2021_ICCV}{[7]} (Acceptance rate: 25.9%)
- \cite{Otake_2021}{[7]}
- \cite{Fukuchi_2020}{[2]}
- \cite{DBLP:conf/hai/MatsumoriFOI18}{[4,7]} (Long presentation acceptance rate: 29%)
- \cite{Fukuchi_2018}{[0,3,4,5]} (Long presentation acceptance rate: 29%)
- \cite{Fukuchi_2017iconip}{[0,3]}
- \cite{Fukuchi_2017}{[0,3]}
Abstracts, Posters
- \cite{10.2312:egve.20241400}
- \cite{10.1145/3687272.3690879}{[0,1,4]}
- Yosuke Fukuchi, Michita Imai, “Grounding Command While Inferring the Goal Behind it.” International Conference on Human-agent Interaction 2022 Workshop on Cognitive Human-agent Interaction, 2022.
- \cite{10.1145/3472307.3484668}{[4,5,7]}
- \cite{fukuchi2024emphasis}{[0,1,4]}
- \cite{}{[7]}
- \cite{}{[7]}
Domestic conferences
- \cite{VRGakkai2024}
- \cite{VRGakkai2024_2}
- \cite{jsai_fukuchi_2024}{[0,1,4]}
- \cite{jsai_maehigashi_2024}{[0,1,4]}
- \cite{jsdp2024}{[6]}
- \cite{hais2024}{[0,1,4]}
- \cite{jsai2023}{[0,1,4]}
- \cite{jsai2023maehigashi}{[0,1,4]}
- \cite{interaction23_hongo}{[7]}
- \cite{hais2023}{[0,1,4]} (HAI-researcher Encouragement Award)
- \cite{sm2022}{[6]}
- \cite{hasegawa2022advantage}{[2,3]}
- \cite{tsuchiya2022}{[4,5,7]}
- \cite{p_and_p}{[0,3]} (最優秀発表賞)
- \cite{tsuchiya2021}{[4,5,7]}
- \cite{maekawa2021}{[7]}
- \cite{uchiumi2021}{[4]}
- \cite{1573668927856247424}{[2,7]}
- \cite{1572824502926346240}
- \cite{1574231877809662848}
- \cite{takarada2020}
- \cite{yoshino2020scake}
- \cite{hongo2020}
- \cite{shingyo2020}
- \cite{satogata2020q}
- \cite{takarada2019}
- \cite{satogata2019}
- \cite{matsumori2018}
- \cite{fukuchi2018}
- \cite{fukuchi2017_3}
- \cite{fukuchi2017_2}
- \cite{fukuchi2017}
- IEEE RO-MAN Reviewer Award, the 33rd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN), 2024.
- \cite{CCWS2024}
- \cite{cogsciMeetUp2024}
- \cite{jimin_reverse1}{[8]} PDF SLIDES
- \cite{jimin_reverse2}{[8]} PDF SLIDES
- \cite{jimin_reverse3}{[8]} PDF SLIDES
- \cite{20192019}
- 會田慎一郎, 姉川将之, 奥山裕也, 河口大輝, 福地庸介, IBM東京ローカルスポンサー賞, JPHACKS 2017. (飲み会参加者の情報をセンシングして飲み会を盛り上げるアプリケーションを開発し発表 2017/10/29).
- “説明可能AIはユーザをナッジできるか (Can Explainable AI nudge users?)”, KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, 24K20846, 4,680,000 JPY, 2024/04-2027/03. [URL]
- “説明の選択的提示による信頼されるXAIの開発 (Development of Trustworthy Explainable AI with Explanation Selection)”, AIP Challenge, 1,000,000 JPY, 2023 (AIP Network Laboratory Director’s Award).
- “心の読み合いにもとづく非言語表現の計算論的理解 (Computational Comprehension of Non-verbal Expressions on Basis of Mutual Mind-reading)”, KLL Ph.D. Program Research Grant, 300,000 JPY, 2021.
- “説明可能AIの実現に向けた自律エージェントの行動説明表現の獲得 (Grounding Verbs for Explaining Autonomous Agent’s Actions)”, The Keio University Doctorate Student Grant-in-Aid Program from Ushioda Memorial Fund, 120,000 JPY, 2021.
- 門倉 悠真 (代表), 松中 玲子, 福地 庸介, ”乳幼児向け動画コンテンツの継続的視聴による学習効果”, CREST Colab, 2,000,000 JPY, 2021.