Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Systems Design, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan.
Email: fukuchi (at)
(Last updated: )

Research Interests

My primary research interests lie in human-AI interaction, with a focus on facilitating effective, natural, and trustworthy collaboration between humans and AI systems. My research involves the integration of computational models that capture the dynamics of human cognition, enabling AI-driven systems to socially interact with non-expert human users. Particularly, I create AI systems/agents/interfaces that are capable of

Additionally, I am interested in computational modeling of human cognition by integrating Bayesian models and machine learning.

Current Positions

Professional Experience







  1. “説明可能AIはユーザをナッジできるか (Can Explainable AI nudge users?)”, KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists, 24K20846, 4,680,000 JPY, 2024/04-2027/03. [URL]
  2. “説明の選択的提示による信頼されるXAIの開発 (Development of Trustworthy Explainable AI with Explanation Selection)”, AIP Challenge, 1,000,000 JPY, 2023 (AIP Network Laboratory Director’s Award).
  3. “心の読み合いにもとづく非言語表現の計算論的理解 (Computational Comprehension of Non-verbal Expressions on Basis of Mutual Mind-reading)”, KLL Ph.D. Program Research Grant, 300,000 JPY, 2021.
  4. “説明可能AIの実現に向けた自律エージェントの行動説明表現の獲得 (Grounding Verbs for Explaining Autonomous Agent’s Actions)”, The Keio University Doctorate Student Grant-in-Aid Program from Ushioda Memorial Fund, 120,000 JPY, 2021.
  5. 門倉 悠真 (代表), 松中 玲子, 福地 庸介, ”乳幼児向け動画コンテンツの継続的視聴による学習効果”, CREST Colab, 2,000,000 JPY, 2021.